Director’s Identification Number (DIN): What Every Current and Aspiring Director Needs to Know

Director’s Identification Number (DIN): What Every Current and Aspiring Director Needs to Know

We are currently in the era of transparency and responsibility in business. In this vein, the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) introduced the Director ID. And before you ask, no, it’s not a new version of an Apple product.

What is a Director ID?

Remember the angst of waiting for that forever-anticipated 18th birthday, all so you could claim your unique rite of passage into Surfers Paradise? This ID is like that but for Directors. It’s your unique fingerprint in the corporate world. It’s a verified number so that everyone from your mate Dave the shareholder to regulators know you are who you say you are. Director’s IDs are essential to ensure that business in Australia is clear, transparent, and legit.

The good news? Applying is free and you only need to do it once, this ID sticks with you for life. Change companies, move countries, or even change your name — this ID is going nowhere.

How to Apply for a Director ID

I get it, time is money. So if you’re all about efficiency (who isn’t?), the online route is the way to go.  We’ve detailed the steps below for you or you can go straight to the ABRS website here.

  1. Setup your myGovID
    1. Download the myGovID app from the App Store or Google Play;
    2. Enter your details; and
    3. Choose your identity strength (at least Standard identity is the minimum requirement; if you can do strong it’s easier in Step 2)

You will need at least 2 Australian identity documents (passport, driver’s licence, birth certificate, etc.)

  1. Gather additional documents
    1. Depending on the strength of your myGovID:
      1. Strong strength – you’ll need your Tax File Number (TFN) or your residential address as held by the ATO.
      2. Standard strength – Tax File Number (TFN), your residential address as held by the ATO, information from at least 2 other documents (i.e. ATO notice of Assessment, Bank details held by the ATO, your superannuation details, etc.)
    2. Complete your Directors ID application online through the ABRS

Whilst we can’t apply for a Directors ID on your behalf, we can assist you with anything else you need as a director. Contact our office with any questions you have about being a director or about your business.  We can’t wait to assist you with navigating the tax landscape for your business.

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